My initial plan for writing this blog was to open with a commonly used phrase from the poem by Robert Burns in 1785: “The best-laid schemes of mice and men go oft awry”; or we often quote it as learned in school – “the best-laid plans of mice and men oft go astray.” The essence of the entire poem is an apology to a mouse for the accidental disturbance of its nest by a farmer who was plowing 😊. Therefore, we as Christian writers must search diligently so as not to use loosely researched or learned statements that do not correctly relate to what we want to say to readers.
On one recent Thursday, my “perfect” plan was in place. My husband was to see his cardiologist for clearance to have a unique radiology procedure that promised to provide him with an improved quality of life. The plan would have the wonderful benefit of him being taken off medications that had debilitating effects, which caused him to be homebound most of the time. I said my usual “Hallelujahs” because all the steps and appointments would fall timely into my prayers for him throughout several years. I proudly thought of myself “what a blessing you are to spend hours searching medical articles and making calls about the effects of these innovative medical procedures.”
However, on that Thursday morning, at the office of the cardiologist, my glorious plan began to fall apart – WHAT? My husband’s blood pressure was extremely low (80/50), which prompted the doctor to order an ambulance to take him immediately to the ER! Now, after 5 days in the hospital, my husband anticipates about 20 days in a care center for rehab.
We may express many “WHATS?” in our Christian walk, but as we grow Spiritually, we learn to arrest the childish tantrums, especially when “our” plan is altered by “The Great Physician.” I see that the slight sidetrack through the hospital system will surely allow my husband to become more physically able to endure this innovative surgery.
Gratefully, I have now begun a “Plan B” through continued faith that God is ordering our steps (see Psalm 119:133).
Phyllis Andrews 7/14/22