We are often asked “What is your vision for the New Year?” If we were in the company of five to 100 people or more we could hear that many variations of the dreams of humanity.
As a Christian, I would like to offer that our visions or resolutions should be what God wants for us: Love for Him and others and an obedient heart—no matter the number of “I don’t understand” that we can come up with.
If you are a non-Christian reading my noodling, the direction is just about the same: love others, respect each others’ desires, even if they are contrary to yours; and especially bear with each other as you would want the same consideration.
The main benefit of the Christian view is that God has provided a beautiful way for us to live joyfully through every year and also into eternal life with Him when that time comes. With this vision, everything unknown that may befall us will be tolerable and fall peacefully into place.
Phyllis Andrews 1/9/22