Tears flow down my cheeks. Manifestations of two diametrically opposed emotions that pierce my soul-profound grief, yet unspeakable joy. The Queen is dead yet RISEN. I am watching BBC news, following the trajectory of the funeral of this great woman as she is laid to rest in the vault at Windsor castle. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/watch-live-queen-elizabeth-iis-state-funeral. She will be buried beside her husband, mother, father, and sister. My soul is burdened to write.

I experience anguish for the loss of a woman who has, by all accounts, led an exemplary life. A life characterized by faith in Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior and by service to her people; a life marked by dignity and compassion; a life providing a sense of stability in the face of a nation’s troubles. You might say
“Well, she was just a figurehead.”
“No!” I would respond. “She was more than that. She was a Queen with God-given grace and strength, representing continuity and stability for her peoples.”
I am overcome with the burden of comparison. What a wretched woman I am! For I have not led such a life of grace, strength, and stability. No! My life has been tossed and turned by the worldly wheels of opportunity, leading to sin. I sob, riddled with guilt at the misuse of much of the life God so graciously granted me. My guilt is mixed with sorrow at the world’s loss of this lovely Queen; the second Elizabethan era has ended.
Yet a more powerful emotion infuses my soul. More tears cascade down my cheeks, but these are tears of joy. Joy for the Queen for she is now with her King of Kings. Joy for me, because I believe that Christ died for my sins. I have repented. I am forgiven! One day I too will go to be with the King of Kings. Peace fills my soul.
What kind of life have you led? Perhaps you feel you have lived a “good life”? I have news for you. Even the Queen with her amazing life of service would not have been exempt from sin. Neither are you!
“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” Romans 3:23 (NKJV)
But there is good news.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 (NKJV)
You have a choice, but will you make it?
Anonymous 9-20-22
Beautiful comments about Queen Elizabeth II. A friend at Bible study last week shared that she had read a long time ago that the Queen said she looked forward to the day when she could lay her crown at the feet of Jesus.
Hallelujah. What a glorious testimony!