It is a wonderful life because God breathed life into us (Genesis 2:7). He made us in His own image (Genesis 1:27) to seek and worship Him above all else and to love others (Mark 12:30).
Life should be cherished as a precious gift from God.
But you say “Life has challenge, stress, illness, disease, and old age ravaging our bodies, straining our souls and crushing our spirit. To cap it all, then we die; how can it be wonderful?”
But I say based on scriptural principles:
“Trust in God with your whole body, mind (soul) and spirit. Inner peace will blossom inside you like a rose bud in Spring. Strength will arise in your soul like a mighty warrior of old. Your Spirit, topped with the helmet of salvation, will pulsate with the joy of eternal life now. Death is not the end—your spirit will tremble in awe, for your hope is eternal life with Him. You will be clothed in serenity as you overcome the bumps, even mountains of this wondrous life!”
“Take care of yourself. Otherwise, how can you help others in this wonderful life? Eat healthy—no gluttony, exercise the body–no laziness, and brain–new neural circuits . You try to remember the sequence of up to 32 different dance steps within a single routine. Then layer on different line dances with different steps. This is a real challenge for me. After I got discouraged being the “lemon” on the dance floor I had to have a talk with myself—for my life pattern is to usually give up if I cannot compete effectively. I must win!”
I tell myself,
“Don’t give up Catherine, keep “enduring” not only in this but in the end goal of this wondrous life!”
As the apostle Paul coaches the Philippians in 3:14 (CEV)
“I run toward the goal, so I can win the prize of being called to heaven. This is the prize God offers because of what Christ Jesus has done.”
Trust Him!
Catherine Urbalejo September 7, 2023