It was a cold winter day outside Covington, Kentucky, which is located across the river from Cincinnati, Ohio. As I crossed that slick frosty bridge, bizarre feelings were raging through my mind, and I thought it would be so easy to simply drive off the bridge or even hit a moving truck head-on. I wondered, Would anyone even miss me?
My life felt like it was not worth living. But I must have been in good hands that day because when I turned the steering wheel to the right towards the icy river—something brought the car back on course. And as I turned the wheel to the left, headed towards an oncoming semi, the steering wheel seemed to turn back to the right, and my car moved straight ahead, guiding me back on course. I truly believe the Lord had me in the palm of His hands that day.
The dreary morning seemed hopeless—I was so tired of all the lies and abuse. I thought, Why go on! But somehow, that Heavenly Father of ours, who loves us beyond measure, wrapped his strong arms around me, held me in His good hands, and showed me my life WAS worth living.
This incident happened years ago, when I was in my early twenties—I have not spoken to anyone or written about this until now; however, I have often wondered why was my life spared so long ago on that cold icy bridge? Is it for someone today who needs to see these words and feel their self-worth is important? Do they know their very existence makes a difference in this world? The answer is YES, YES! You are God’s creation, and you are priceless in His eyes. I love that old saying, “God didn’t make any junk!” Did you catch that? YOU are special!
There is no one on earth like you. So when God created you, he broke the mold, so to speak. With billions and billions of people walking around, not one of them has your fingerprint; you are one of a kind with a Heavenly purpose to fulfill. For me, the Bible verse in Isaiah 49:16 (AMP) says it all, “Indeed, I have inscribed [a picture of] you on the palms of My hands;”
WOW! There is no better place to be! Can you imagine? That’s even better than if God was carrying a picture of YOU in His wallet!
Paula J. Domianus 6/13/22
If need be, help is available at the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255.
I’d like to hear more – looking back, how do you now see the call or the purpose on your life being fulfilled?
Thank you for your comment, Fritzi. I believe when I was young, I didn’t realize that life itself is a beautiful gift from God, our creator. There are so many miracles sent from heaven that it’s hard sometimes to comprehend them all. Growing up (many years ago), I was very timid. I was terrified of speaking and even reading in front of people. That has changed to a small degree; however, I honestly prefer to write about my feelings. Joining the Women of Grace Writers has been a blessing and a fulfilling quest – a way to express myself and share God’s love with others. Hopefully, sprinkling a little encouragement along the way.
Fritzi, I am excited to announce that our Women of Grace Writers have a new book coming out this November, called “Blessed Assurance-Our Stories.” Eight of our members have shared their hearts with personal stories regarding how each one’s life would have been very different without God.