Tuesday of this week was not an especially good day for me. Starting off the day, I had an 8:15 doctor’s appointment to talk about the results from a recent test I had taken. These results were not what I expected nor what I wanted. Later, that day I had a dental appointment. I have not had any dental work done in the past ten to fifteen years, but the dentist discovered that an old filling needed work.
Before Jesus being in my life, if I had received not only one but two bad reports, I would have been frantic, perhaps, even in tears. But, on Tuesday, what I felt was God’s peace engulfing my being. I’d be lying if I said I am not concerned. However, that uneasiness I feel is bathed in the knowledge that God is in control—nothing happens to me that has not passed through His “good hands.” I know that I can trust Him with my health and my future because I know that I am held in the “good hands” of my Savior, Jesus Christ.
“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7 (NIV)
Juanita Adamson 6/6/22
Thank you, Juanita, for sharing your heart. I could feel the peace of God in your words. I was reminded of the song, “All Is Well”.