He was just a little boy, a good student, and dependable. His college days produced an excellent scholar. He was noticed by the Roman guard at an outing testing his strength. Soon after he was recruited by the Roman centurion to work at the palace. Nothing phased him. He did what he was told.
Time passes and he finds himself among the guards accompanying a man by the name of Jesus to a hill called Calvary. The man was near death. The soldier shows sympathy and recruits a bystander to help this man Jesus.
After years of service to the guards, all he can do is put that cross in good hands, to help the beaten man. At the cross, he turns away from the ____ body; he couldn’t pound the nails. He did, however, offer vinegar and hyssop to a dying man.
Did he repent at this time? Who knows if he did? All we know is he could have put himself in our Lord’s good hands.
But you have a choice. You can repent and choose to be in our Lord’s good hands. Will you?
Audrey Rierson 6/20/22