Have you ever worn a mask? You wear a smile on the outside, while torn in the inside. The body, mind, and soul, is in a tizzy! The mixture of feelings, commotions, and beliefs are so well hidden under this disguise you are convinced there is no hope, or no way out. The smile replaces the anguish. “Will the real me please stand up?”
This mental state covered by a mask, can benefit another! Really! Yes, really! God uses our story to help others. First, He helps to liberates/sets free this container of mind trespassers! Secondly, He pours in His attributes of hope and healing, love and peace. The screaming inside now stops. The mask is no longer needed. God is in the business of healing muddle and confusion. He then can use our story, to help others shed their masks, and experience freedom as we shout out and say, “You are seeing the real me standing up!”
Jesus is available to carry your burdens and my burdens. As a matter of fact, there is no problem too large for the healer. He offers newness of life and a remarkable freedom! Really! Yes! Invite Him into your heart. He offers strength and wisdom to overcome. He will show you the way where perhaps you once thought there was no way out.
Did you know His plan for your life and mine were known before we were conceived in our mother’s womb (Jerimiah 29:11)? Did you know He heals the broken hearted and sets them free (Psalms 147:3-5)? Did you know He uses our story to help others (Romans 15:1-3; Corinthians 1:4)? And, did you know that He offers freely a peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians $:7). His infinite love, mercy, grace is beyond our knowledge. This is a miraculous truth.
This happened to me, and many others. My mask was removed. My life found hope. God made a way when I was sure there was no way. He healed my mind, body, and soul. He set me free. Today you see the real me. “Will the real me stand up?” Your difficult journey and my difficult journey can bring strength, encouragement to others, and a closer walk with God. This is available. We just need to invite Him in and learn to lean on Him. An amazing transformation happens. He fills us with hope and a future.
This is not to say life will be always be easy, yet we walk in His strength and hope for tomorrow, one step at a time. Each step makes us stronger and brings us closer to Him. Yes, and in time we become His earthly hands and feet. Those tough times have the potential to strengthen us and prepare us. We are now in a position to help others. Yes, when the Healer shows up, we can stand up and shout, “No more mask, just the real me standing up.”
Maggie Dembowski 4-23
Wonderful Maggie. Very encouraging.