Do you struggle with depression? Do you want to hurt yourself or others? 988 is the number we all should know and have ready to share. It is the suicide prevention hotline. Help is available! You are not alone. Oh, how I wish many had called that number and not given up on life. I used to have thoughts of suicide for years. However, thirty years ago, a friend sent tapes of a powerful sermon titled “5 deadly D’s”. I wish to share this must-know when thoughts are heading down a dark path.
The first deadly D is disappointment. Do you notice the word appointment in disappointment? We must make an appointment with God or others. I will pour out my hurt, devastated heart to God in prayer. That way, I won’t head towards the spiral to the next deadly D’s Discouragement, which can sneak in slowly or rapidly towards Depression, the third deadly D. The warning sign is when someone wants to sleep all day and persistently loses interest and avoids activities friends previously enjoyed, and life is impaired. Now spinning to the pit of Despair, the fourth deadly D. This is when all hope is completely lost. Now starts Depravity, where nothing matters anymore, no self-restraint, an act of self-destruction.
My own sixth deadly D, I like to add—is death by suicide. Call and reach out before it’s too late. There is help and hope. I must mention the most significant D and only D that matters: the living D. Deliverer. Yes, Deliverer, a Savoir Helper that can set us all free. Jesus, the promised Messiah, understands our pain and suffering because he suffered. When our minds are filled with failure, sin, shame, and regret, HE can deliver and is ready to forgive. When we feel worthless and unwanted and unloved, we receive love; HE is a cry away. In Romans 10:13 (NKJV) we read, “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved”.
We need to renew our minds with God’s truth so our minds can build a new pathway from our destructive rut. Revelation 21:5 (NKJV) says “Behold, I make all things new.” So, my prayer for you and me is we must believe in the power of Jesus’ name, take care of ourselves, eat healthily, reach out, and seek medical help if needed.
Call 988 (Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Nationally 24/7)
Warmline.org (A friendly listening ear for your problems/addictions). (see their website for your state number to call)
Veterans’ hotline 1-800-273-8255 or 988 then press 1
Anna Showalter 2024