I have often wondered in amazement about the writers of the Bible—how God inspired them to record His Word for His purposes of guiding, instructing, blessing, and inspiring people for countless years in the future—how they responded to their most sacred charge of accurately documenting the message of God’s plan of redemption of humanity. The writers, themselves, were, no doubt, open and ready to listen to the Holy Spirit as God judiciously placed words upon their hearts and minds to be written for others throughout the ages—to author the Holy Bible, the book presenting God’s extraordinary plan of redemption—Jesus dying on the cross for our sins.
As writers, we too have a responsibility, a God-given calling, to write what has been placed on our hearts, to be transparent, to bear our souls, if not only for ourselves but for others. Our writings reflecting our soul may also prove therapeutic as we, ourselves, search for elusive answers and fight impatience as we prayerfully wait on God to provide the solution, helping us work through those distressful problems and circumstances
But, how does our writing affect others? We have no way of knowing how God might use what we have penned to minister and touch another life going through a chaotic time and seeking but not finding answers. The reader may find Holy Spirit inspiration and encouragement as our writings point to Jesus as the answer to all any or all problems. The Bible tells us to “Give all your worries and cares to God for he cares about you.” 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)
My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king, my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer. Psalm 45:1 (NIV)
so wonderful Juanita, our writing is a way God has called us to minister unto the world. To reach those that we may never see or meet
Beautiful! As a friend and fellow writer I have come to “know” the soul of your writing. It is amazing to me how God feeds each of our souls differently for whatever HE needs the world to hear.